Is Jesus Christ truly coming back?

Memorise: “And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be” ( Rev 22:12)

Read: John 14:1-3

In Matthew 28:5, an angel told the women who came to the tomb of Jesus not to fear because they sought after Jesus. When you seek Jesus, He will protect you from every evil. When you seek Jesus, everything else you forsook in the process will seek after you (Matt 6:33).It is wisdom to seek Jesus. The wise men sought Him and their joy was full and they received direction from Heaven (Matt 2:9-12). Whom are you seeking – Jesus or material things? Some people are afraid of tomorrow. They fear that there might be a war. Even if there is one, the One who lives forever will protect you from its effects. If the Lord says you should not be afraid but you continue to live in fear, He may not be able to help you.

Fear in your heart limits His power and might.

Fear only what He says you should fear -God, and refuse to fear anything else.

Apart from the fact that Jesus rose from the dead, He is coming back again. Revelation 22:12 says, “And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be”. The Lord is coming. John 14:1-3 says one reason He went away was because of you and I. He went to prepare a place for us. He is coming to take us to those prepared mansions. Are you ready?

He is coming. The signs of His return surround us: the move towards a cashless society, increase in knowledge- for instance through the internet, lots of people growing cold in the Lord, etc. But even if He tarries, when your time comes to leave the scene, you will go. Each time somebody passes on to glory, for that fellow, the Lord has returned.

When I was the PFN president, a young man preached a sermon on the second coming of Christ in one of our conferences. He tried to prove with reasons that His coming was at hand. At the end of it, I came to make a comment. I wanted to say if the Lord tarries, you may still go but because a bishop just passed on and I did not want them to think I was referring to him, I said, if you do not believe all we have said concerning His second coming, believe it because the Bible said so. A few days later the young man who preached the sermon passed away in his sleep. He is coming. But are you ready?

What is that thing that can disqualify you from Heaven? Deal with it today before it is too late.


By Pastor Enoch Adeboye

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