Success devotional on the spirit of excellence


Pastor Adeboye

Redeemed Christian Church Of God


The moment you decided to give your life to Christ and be born-again, your goal should be to become an excellent Christian. Unbelievers should see you and notice the difference. An Excellent Christian is that brother or sister who is totally sanctified of praise to the Lord always. You are an excellent Christian if you do things as perfect as God would do it. You will always strive to become a fire-brand for the Lord.

If you are not yet excellent, ask God to help you out. Ask God to give you wisdom.  However, you should stand firm in your faith and take your stand to let the whole world know who you are!

There are some Christian that are saved and sanctified. These ones do not get annoyed. This reminds me of time when we were rehearsing a drama that was to be staged in our church. There was a part which required that the actor should become very annoyed.

Our main actor could not bring himself to be angry. We could not even get someone among us to teach him how to be angry. By the grace of the Almighty God, we had all received the additional blessing of sanctification with our salvation.

To become an excellent Christian, you must first and foremost be Holy spirit-filled. As an individual, when you get to this stage, you are better off than somebody who, though saved and sanctified, has not received the power of the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit is indispensable in the life of any Christian. Without the Holy Spirit, it is not possible to have any of the different gifts that the Holy Spirit give. Among these gifts are: Gifts of wisdom, and understanding, Faith, Healings, Working of Miracles, Prophecy, Speaking in tongues and interpretation of tongues. When you have these gifts, you are on your way to become an excellent Christian.

Secondly, for one be an excellent Christian, three things must manifest in one’s life. First, all tings have to be done according to how God Himself will do them. You must aspire to please God in all you do. Before doing anything, no matter how trivial, first ask yourself how you think God will do it. Knowing fully well that you will see to it that is perfectly done. This will definitely please God.

Thirdly, an excellent Christian will be perfect as the Lord Almighty is perfect Matt. 5:48. Be ye therefore perfect, even as your father which is heaven is perfect.” We must be perfect as our Lord is perfect. He is perfect in all ways in love, knowledge, wisdom, in understanding and might. Whenever He says will come to pass.

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