Get rich quick schemes are traps for evil convenants

Pastor E.A.ADEBOYE, posted By klnmly

MEMORIZE: “And your covenant with death shall be dis-annulled, and your agreement with hell shall not stand; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, then ye shall be trodden down by it” (Isaiah 28:1 8)

READ: Isaiah 28:14-18
A covenant is a very powerful thing hence many who have entered into a wrong covenant find it difficult to come out. The good news is that deliverance is available for any victim of negative covenants. Some people in the name of avoiding death, make a covenant with the spirit of death. Unfortunately, such people may not spend half or a quarter of their days on earth! If you want to live, you have no pact with death, but with the life Giver Himself.

Some initiates of the dark kingdom covenant to die at very crucial periods of their lives – on the day of graduating from the university, wedding day, day of delivery of their baby-particularly the first one, or the day that gives their parents their greatest joy. Back in the spirit realm, they would be promised bags of gold, wealth and so many fanciful things that would appeal to anyone.

But on the day of death, the victim would find himself or herself in hell and the devil would laugh and say, “I have deceived that one”. You shall not be a victim of Satan’s deception in Jesus’Name. Have you made any of such covenants with the forces of darkness? There is help for you today. Give your life to Jesus and see any pastor of a Bible believing church. You shall be completely free. If you are foolish enough to keep your covenant with the devil, be assured he cannot keep his
Some years ago, a man was married to a mermaid due to an earlier covenant. The woman from the marine kingdom would come in person and they would travel together, and do so many things together. She gave him many things including a special wristwatch he could manipulate things with

. One day, somebody invited him to a Gospel church and he attended. On his return, the lady warned him never to attend such a church but was free to attend certain ‘powerless’ ones. But as God would have it, he was invited again, and he attended the same church and the Holy Spirit arrested him, and he fell down.

 As some brethren prayerfully attended to him, they observed that his wrist watch began to move in top speed ahead of that year, until it got to a particular year and time. And it stopped. Then, the man died. But through the prayer efforts of the brethren and God’s mercy, he came back to life.

He did not know that his life span had already been programmed into the wrist watch by forces of darkness, but the Lord reversed it. That was how he was delivered. Are you a victim of the kingdom of darkness? Satan has nothing good to offer you. Jesus has everything in store for you. Repent and turn to Jesus today. No matter how deep or far away you have gone with forces of darkness, there is deliverance for you in the name of Jesus. Accept Him today!

ACTION POINT:Many sincere seekers have sought God in the wrong places and entered into negative covenants. Pray that God will lead them out of Satan’s den and into the Kingdom of Jesus Christ.


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