Prayers to overcome bareness-Reproaches shall be rolled away!

                                                               Babatope BABALOBI

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Genesis 11 vs. 30 – But Sarai was barren; she had no child.

The agenda of the enemy is to ensure there is a ‘But’ in the life of every Christian. It is common to find a Christian facing a stubborn long standing problem. There is a particular, specific problem that is always tied to the life of each Christian.

The challenge is to overcome the problem and have a complete life of victory.

  • A Christian family may be prosperous and have enough money to afford comfort of life ‘but’ they may not have a happy home because either partner is cheating.
  • A Christian family may be prosperous and happy and love themselves intensely ‘but’ they may be childless or child bearing may cease after one child.
  • A young single Christian may have a good job ‘but’ find it difficult to get a marriage partner.
  • Two young Christians may be ready for marriage ‘but’ both of them may be jobless.
  • A Christian family may have a happy marriage with male and female children ‘but’ their income may be poor forcing them to live in perpetual poverty
  • Your case may be different from the above, but I am persuaded there is a ‘but’ in your life.
  • The ‘but’ in your life is that stubborn problem that seems to defy prayers, that long-standing difficulty that has remained with you inspite of your long years of faithful service to God, years of paying tithes and offerings, years of giving, years of living in holiness and years of attending church meetings and deliverance service.
  • What is the ‘but’ in your life. The ‘But’ in the life of Abraham and Sarah was that Sarah ishis wife was barren.
  1. Abraham was an obedient Christian, ‘but’ his wife was barren.
  2. Abraham walked with God, ‘but’ his wife was barren.
  3. Abraham was perfect before God, ‘but’ his wife was barren
  4. Abraham had a covenant with God, ‘but’ his wife was barren.
  5. God spoke to him one to one, ‘but his wife was barren.
  6. Abraham was faithful in paying tithes. He was the first person recorded in the Bible to pay tithes, ‘but’ his wife was barren.
  7. At the age of 75 years, God promised Abraham he will be the father of nations ‘but’ until age 99 his wife was barren.
  8. Abraham was an intercessor and prayer warrior, ‘but’ his wife Sarah remained barren for up to 25 years.
  9. According to Genesis 20 vs.17, Abraham prayed for Abimelech and his wife, and his maidservants, who were all barren and they conceived and bore children ‘but’ his on wife Sarah remained barren.
  10. Abraham was rich and wealthy. The Bible says he was not only rich, but very rich in cattle, silver and gold, ‘but’ his wife was barren.
  11. What do we say of Sarah, she was extremely beautiful, a queen ‘but’ she was barren.


Pray like this:

    • God of Abraham, give me blessings, money cannot buy in Jesus name.
    • God give me a child that beauty cannot buy in Jesus name.


Inspite of Abraham’s closeness with God, there were times he was confused, dejected frustrated and disappointed.

You may be experiencing a similar situation because of the ‘but’ in your life, that problem/difficulty that has become unapproachable, stigma, affliction and mountain in your life, the good news is that the story of Abraham’s life did not end with ‘but’. Yours should not also end with a ‘but’ in Jesus name.

At the age 100, God visited Sarah and she bore a child who later become the father of the 12 tribes of Israel.

Three things may be responsible for the ‘but’ in the life of a Christian.

The ‘but’ in your life may be caused because it is not yet the appointed time for it to be rolled away. The Bible records in Genesis 21 vs. 2 that God visited Sarah at the ‘set time’. My prayer is that you shall not miss your set time in Jesus name.

The ‘but’ in your life may be the hand work of the devil. In the book of Daniel, we learnt Daniel a servant of God prayed and fasted for 21 days, ‘but’ his prayers were unanswered because of hindrances by the Prince of Persia.

I pray for you that as many powers of darkness that are sponsoring a ‘but’ in your life in forms of failure, sickness, stagnancy, barreness, poverty, delayed marriages, profitless handwork, marital crises, academic failure etc. I command the destroying Angels of God, the Angels that destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah to destroy them in Jesus name.

The ‘but’ in your life can also be self inflicted. If you have not totally surrendered your life to Christ, if you are still living in sin, if you are yet to start serving God, there is going to be several ‘buts’ in your life.

To eradicate the ‘buts’ in your life, surrender your life to Christ today and let the Holy Spirit intervene in your buts




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