Prayers to overcome lusts and lust spells

Read Romans 6:14I command every power of sexual perversion to come against itself in the name of Jesus

Father Lord, let every demonic strong hold built in my life by the spirit of sexual perversion be pulled down, in the name of Jesus.

Let every power of sexual perversion that has consumed my life be shattered to pieces, in the name of Jesus.

Let my soul be delivered from the forces of sexual perversion, in the name of Jesus.

Let the Lord of God Elijah, arise with strong hand against every spirit wife / husband and all the powers of sexual perversion in the name of Jesus.

I break the hold of any evil power over my life in Jesus’ name. I nullify every effect of the bite of sexual perversion upon my life, in the name of Jesus.

I nullify every effect of the bite of sexual perversion upon my life in the name of Jesus.

Holy Ghost fire, purge my life completely, in the name of Jesus.

Every evil stranger and all satanic deposits in my life, i command you to be paralyzed and to get out of my life, in the name of Jesus.

I claim my complete deliverance from the spirit of fornication and sexual immorality, in the name of Jesus.

Let my eyes be delivered from lust, in the name of Jesus.

As from today, let my eyes be controlled by the Holy Spirit, in the name of Jesus.

Holy Ghost fire, fall upon my eyes and burn to ashes every evil force and all satanic power controlling my eyes, in the name of Jesus.

I move from bondage to liberty in every area of my life, in the name of Jesus.

Thank god for answers to my prayer.

14 thoughts on “Prayers to overcome lusts and lust spells

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  1. I have prayed this prayer many times, but it really comes down to keeping yourself from looking at it.


  2. Powerful prayer. If you pray and dwell on this prayer every time you are tempted and lustful image comes to mind, you will build up a resistance and the enemy will flee every time! Do as often as possible, trust God, believe God and He will bring you through.


  3. It looks good, If you bind & cast these spirits to the feet of Jesus as you renew your mind with the Word daily,

    As long as you close the doors to your life – other people involved with the same types of lust or immorality

    you have to seperate yourself from them – otherwise you entertain them through the eye gate, lust of the

    flesh & bad company will corrupt good char… Your choice freedom or running into bondage again.

    Be ye seperate….cast down all imaginations & renew your mind… be holy as I AM Holy….


  4. I met this prayer when I needed it the most. thank GOD for your foresight. u may wish to post prayers to my box.


  5. This prayer really helps and I will bookmark it right now. Would any of you pray with and for me as strength in numbers and agreeing in one mind of unity does increase the strength of our prayers. Thanks and God Bless you all.


  6. This prayer has been of great help and inspiration to me in my days of rehab against my pornography addiction.
    God deliver all those in the same situation. May God tend to your aid and show you the way out of this temptation.


  7. I need all warriors to help me pray this prayer over my husband as the ties of infidelity, fornication and spirit are bonded and thrown out to sea and never to return. May his heart return to his wife and family. May he spirit of lust forever be thrown away .


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