Deliverance by Jesus

Babatope Babalobi

Read Mark 11 vs. 1-8

1. This is the story of how Jesus Christ sent for a new colt and rode on it triumphantly into Jerusalem.

2. But there are several lessons from this story. The first lesson is that Jesus Christ knows everything. As we can see in verse two, he knew that there was a colt tied in the village. Therefore, Jesus knows about your present situation and knows what you are passing through.


3. Another lesson we can learn from verse two that just as the colt was tied in the village, a lot of lives are tied by the powers of darkness, but am persuaded that the same Jesus that commanded the colt to be loose will loose you from every strong holds of the enemy in Jesus name.

4. Another lesson we can learn from this passage is that Jesus Christ knows the future and the thought of every man even before they are uttered out. Before His disciples left to untie the colt, Jesus Christ knew that the powers that tied the colt are going to resist the deliverance of the colt.


5. In verse three of this chapter, we read that the power that tied the colt challenged the disciples of Jesus Christ who is sent to free the colt.
6. Another lesson we can learn from verse five is that some people were responsible for tying the colt and those powers are ready to challenge anybody that want to free the colt. Just as the colt was tied, a lot of people are tied down by the powers of darkness in real life and those powers of darkness are watching over their captives, and they are also ready to challenge any power that want to set their captives free

7. The good news, however is that Jesus Christ has the power not only to free the colt from its bondage, but every child of God from all forms of captivity.
8. Another lesson we can learn from this passage is that God will only deliver you from your problems if only you become useful for Him, and we take that lesson from verse three. Jesus Christ sent His disciples to untie the colt because He wanted to use it. If you are not going to be useful for God, or you are not ready to serve Him, God will not intervene to deliver you from your bondages.


9. Another lesson we can learn from this passage is that obedience is a principle for deliverance. As we can infer or deduce from this chapter, the disciples strictly follow the instructions of Jesus Christ. Your deliverance can only be assured if you are willing to follow divine instructions, no matter how they look irrational.
10. Another lesson we can learn from this passage is that you need to be bold and courageous before you can be freeD from any form of captivity. The two disciples Jesus Christ sent to untie the colt were not afraid to carryout the assignment, they could have been afraid of being challenged by the owner of the colt, but they put their trust more in Jesus Christ who they regarded as the Lord.

The reason why a lot of people are not getting deliverance in real line is that they are afraid of the devil and his demons, they are afraid of the powers that held them in captives, rather than trust the power that can deliver them which is Jesus.


11. Another lesson we can learn from this passage is that after the colt was untied and brought to Jesus, the colt was decorated and prospered as it served Jesus who rode on it. The lesson we can learn from this passage is that our deliverance shall be followed by divine promotion. When God delivers you, the next thing he does is to decorate you.


12. But the greatest lesson of this passage is that Jesus Christ delivers the colt because he needed the colt to serve Him. The colt served him beautifully after his deliverance.
Am persuaded that immediately you set your heart to serve God, Jesus will deliver you from all forms of bondages; and Jesus Christ will also decorate your life after deliverance.




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