Devotionals on church growth and development

Pastor E. Adeboye, RCCG

Memorise: “Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall:” (2 Peter 1:10)
Read: 2 Peter 1:5-11

In a recent transfer of pastors, an ordained full pastor was transferred to a church of a little over 50 people. When the transfer was announced, the Holy Spirit said ‘Congratulations. Your promotion has come’. Meanwhile some of his friends felt bad at that transfer. Some saw it as demotion but he accepted it in good faith, believing that God had a purpose for that assignment in that smaller church.

On resumption, he discovered that the church was almost dead. Many members and workers had left because of the attitude of the pastor’s wife. The community dwellers had stigmatized the church as a place not to worship. Even local okada operators (commercial cyclists) had had unpleasant encounters with the leadership of the church that made them to avoid it. The church of several years was crawling and heading for death.

Within a few months of conscientious work, the Lord turned around the church. The negative reputation in the neighborhood changed. People began to hear good news about the church. Those who had left were followed up, and some of them returned joyfully and served the Lord. God miraculously used the members and workers to provide the basic instruments as well as other pressing needs of the church. A church that was reputed for in fighting became a family church where members cared for one another. The new pastor testified that in all his years of ministry, he had never had it so good. While thinking of how to do a particular thing, members who shared the same burden met him and immediately released the money. The church grew and has not been the same ever since. Five months later, the pastor was promoted.

When you are transferred to a particular place, even if you have reasons to believe it is intended to punish you, receive it with joy. It will work for you! God may want to move you from one department or parish to another for some reasons. It could be because of the level of trust He has in you. If you are always sent to troubled spots to virtually start all over, it could be that you are a builder. You may be moved because God has placed certain divine deposits in you which people need where you are being sent. Your transfer may be to salvage a dying church.

That unattractive place could be where God wants to manifest His glory in your life. God might want to give you a fresh challenge. He may want you to learn fresh lessons in ministry and human relations. He may be taking you to a place the congregation will appreciate His gifts and calling on your life. It may be a promotion. Transfer is not strange: it has being a part of church history. Receive it with joy.

In a recent transfer of pastors, the Lord told a pastor that the former pastor of the church he was sent was a bad example to the flock, hence he was sent as a role model. Always ask God His purpose for any transfer.

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