Deliverance Prayers: Stay focused on God

Deliverance Prayers: Stay focused on God

 By Babatope Babalobi +234 80 35 897435

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Hebrews 12:2 KJV

“looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.”

  1. Stay focused on the laws of God
  2. Stay focused on the commandments of God
  3. If you call Jesus Lord, stay focused on him
  4. Stay focused on the master
  5. Stay focused on the Teacher
  6. Stay focused on the Bible; read it always
  7. Stay focused on God and talk to him in prayers daily
  8. Stay focused as a Christian. Don’t abstain from the Church
  9. Stay focused on the word of God and ignore what the world is saying
  10. Unless you remain focused, you may miss the narrow road to heaven
  11. Unless you remain focused, you may be deceived by the liars of the devil
  12. Unless you remain focused, you may walk in the path of the ungodly
  13. Unless you remain focused, you may sit in the seat of sinners
  14. Unless you remain focused, you may dry up spiritually
  15. Unless you remain focused, you may be distracted by the pleasures of sin
  16. Unless you remain focused, you may miss heaven
  • You shall not miss heaven in Jesus’ name
  1. In the Bible, Eve focused on the Serpent for a moment rather than the law of God, and she brought curses on the whole world.
  2. In the Bible, Adam focused on Eve for a moment rather than the law of God, and he was driven away from the presence of God.
  • You shall not lose your godly focus in Jesus’ name
  1. I refuse to accept the advice of the devil in Jesus’ name
  • You shall not seek counsel from your enemies in Jesus’ name
  1. In the Bible, Lots’s wife refused to focus on the Angels of God and became a pillar of salt
  2. In the Bible, Lots’s wife lost her focus and lost her life
  3. In the Bible, Samson lost his focus and lost his power
  4. In the Bible, Samson focuses on a strange woman rather than the work of God and loses his eyes
  5. In the Bible, Solomon focused on women rather than the will of God and became an enemy of God
  6. In the Bible, Jonah focused on tourism rather than evangelism and was swallowed by a fish
  7. In the Bible, Jonah focused on a summer trip rather than missionary work and was swallowed by a whale
  8. In the Bible, Judas focused on money  rather than Jesus  and lost his apostleship
  9. Stay focused on your ministry and avoid secular distractions
  10. Stay focused on your family and flee from polygamy
  11. Stay focused on the Bible. Face the word of God rather than Facebook or other social media
  12. Stay focused on prayer rather than complaining
  13. Stay focused on the church rather than social parties
  • You shall not be led astray by strange women in Jesus’ name
  • You shall not be led astray by unfriendly friends in Jesus’ name
  • You shall not be led astray by the love of money in Jesus’ name
  • You shall not be led astray by strange doctrines in Jesus’ name
  • You shall not be led astray by lust for power positions and status in Jesus’ name
  • You shall not be led astray by the pleasure of the world in Jesus’ name
  • I will focus on the Word of God in Jesus’ name
  • I will focus on holiness in Jesus’ name
  • I will focus on the righteousness in Jesus’ name
  • I will focus on prayer in Jesus’ name
  • I will focus on evangelism rather than TV in Jesus’ name
  • I will focus on the Save the World ministry in Jesus’ name
  • Thank you Jesus
  • Hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah
  • Hossana Hossana Hossana


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