The Character of God: God is loyal to His friends

The Character of God: God is loyal to His friends

 By Babatope Babalobi +234 80 35 897435

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Genesis 18 vs 17

And the Lord said, Shall I hide from Abraham that thing which I do;

Genesis 18:17 Shall I Hide From Abraham That Which I Do (utmost)03:20

  1. God is loyal and faithful to His friends.
  2. God does not injure the interest of his friends.
  3. If anything will affect his friends, God will alert His friends.
  4. Before God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, He called Abraham and told him, because Abraham’s nephew was residing in Sodom and Gomorrah.
  5. So, Abraham was one of the friends of God.
  6. May God give you faithful friends who will not stab you in the back in Jesus’s name.


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