Receive your miracle by faith

Receive your miracle by faith


By Babatope Babalobi +234 80 35 897435

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Ephesians 3 vs 20

Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,

Ephesians 3:20 Exceedingly Abundantly - Free Bible Verse Art Downloads -  Bible Verses To Go

  1. God is able to do beyond measure.
  2. God is able to do beyond your imagination.
  3. The interesting thing is that God meets you at the level of your faith. So, you need to stretch your faith.
  4. If you have the faith to climb a mountain, He will strengthen you to do so.
  5. Do not limit God. HE is an unlimited God.
  6. I sent my children to private universities by faith. Even though my income wasn’t enough, God provided, and they were never stranded.
  7. Every miracle in the Bible happens by faith.
  8. Until Moses stepped his stretched his rod on the sea shore, the sea did not part.
  9. Until David stood up to Goliath, the Israelites could not confront Goliath. David took a step of faith before he could defeat Goliath.
  10. Until the Israelites took the step of faith and matched around the wall of Jericho, the wall did not fall flat.
  11. You need to stretch your faith before you can possess your miracle.
  12. The God we serve is unlimited. He does more than our imagination.
  13. Receive the faith to do the impossible in Jesus’ name.



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