Tips for success: Making quality decisions

Genesis 27 vs. 13 – And his mother said unto him, Upon me be thy curse, my son: only obey my voice, and go fetch me them.

  1. Jacob was pressurized by his mother to tell a lie and he succumbed.
  2. Jacob had the option of saying No to his mother’s pressure and maintaining his integrity.
  3. We must stand the pressure to compromise our Christian virtues even if it comes from people close to us, such as parents.
  4. Jacob later suffered for his lies to Isaac and betrayal of Esau. He spent long years as refugee in Padan Aran and was cheated by his uncle – Laban.
  5. God will still do what He plans for us and we need not tell lies to assist God to fulfill His destiny.



Holy Spirit, give me the courage to stand by the truth in Jesus name.


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