Bishop T.D Jakes sermons on restoration

Deuteronomy 30:15-19             Recovery cannot happen until a woman is willing to look at herself in the mirror and say, “I messed up”. People who blame other people never recover because they live in a state of denial. Any time you blame another person for your problem, you give that person control of your life.... Continue Reading →

Bishop T.D. Jakes on broken homes

Joshua 1:5             Some women secretly carry guilty that they have misappropriated as daughters, thinking it was their fault that their fathers didn’t stay with their mothers. If you’re on of those women, you are always trying to prove something to yourself. Growing up is hard work. It is even tougher when today’s woman is... Continue Reading →

Bishop T.D. Jakes on secrets of succesful marriage

2 Samuel 21:8-11             Women are nurturers by nature. They often struggles with submission, so the Holy Spirit challenges women to submit (Ephesians 5:22). Had Eve been submitted to her husband, she would have referred the serpent in the garden to him, her covering. As the church, the submitted bride of Christ, we are told... Continue Reading →

Bishop T.D. Jakes sermon: Expect divine restoration

Read 2 kings 8:3-6             While I was in school, I worked at a local paint store. Part of my job was to acquaint myself with the products and procedures. I was intrigued by a refinishing product that restored old furniture to its former luster. So I purchased the product to see if it was... Continue Reading →

T.D.JAKES: how to avoid date rape

Samuel 13:1-2             She lay among the soiled and wrinkled lined, the room in total disarry, she garment tattered and torn, her future changed forever. Her femininity had been crushed like a rose bud. Teas ran down her face like rain on a windowpane. She was weeping, not just because of her torn flesh, but... Continue Reading →

Bishop T. D. Jakes morning christian prayers for breakthroughs

Of a woman needing comfort Lord, you have sent Immanuel, God with me. You have sent your Holy Spirit to comfort me. I call upon my comforter. Visit this place where I am suffering so that I than you, my God that just one touch of the Holy Ghost changes everything.   Holy Spirit, show... Continue Reading →

Bishop T.D. JAKES sermons : Faith to succeed

Isaiah 25:8 Birthing-everything you bring forth-comes through sorrow. If you’re going to bring forth anything in your career, your marriage or your life; if you’re going to develop anything in your character; if you’re going to be a fruitful woman, it will come through the things you suffer. You will enter into strength through sorrow.... Continue Reading →

Bishop T.D. JAKES: Because he lives you can face today and tomorrow

Song of Solomon 1:2             You are greater than your past. You are stronger then any moment of failure. You can rise like smoke up a chimney. You were meant to spiral to the sky. All the chilling drafts of broken promises should not deny you the gift of life. Never forget that you are... Continue Reading →

Bishop T. D. Jakes: Knowning Gods will.. story of Sarah

Ecclesiastes 3:1 In the summer of her life, all was well with Sarah. At that time she knew little about Jehovah, her husband’s God. She only knew that she was in love with a wonderful man in Ur!               Soon the giddy exuberance of summer began to fade as she wrestled with the harsh... Continue Reading →

Bishop T.D. Jakes sermons on Power of vision

Proverbs 23:7 We need to continually purge our thoughts because we become what we think. It is not just the lust that we must clean out, but also low self-esteem, pride, arrogance, hidden jealousy, and much more. To use a medical metaphor, the mind is the “placenta” of the spirit man. It holds and nurtures... Continue Reading →

Bishop T.D. JAKES: God as the creator

Read Psalm 139:14             One of the things that make high-fashion designs so expensive is that they are one-of-a-kind creations. A woman who buys a baute couture design knows that she isn’t going to see her dress on any other woman. She knows she is going to have superbly crafted garment. In many cases, it... Continue Reading →

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