Watch and Pray

Watch and Pray

 By Babatope Babalobi +234 80 35 897435

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Matthew 26 vs 41

Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.


  1. Jesus gave his disciples two assignments. The first is to watch, and the second is to pray.
  2. It means it is not enough to pray, you must also watch. It is not enough to watch, you must also pray.
  3. Watching means using your physical eyes to take a decision.
  4. Watching means being suspicious.
  5. Watching means understanding the times and making decisions based on time rhythms.
  6. Watching means looking before your leap. Matthew 26:41 – Watch Temptation – Encouraging Bible Verses
  7. Praying means seeking the opinion of God
  8. Praying means seeking God’s approval.
  9. Praying means not relying on human wisdom.
  10. Praying means handling the matter to heaven.
  11. In summary, a Christian is not supposed to spiritualise every matter.
  12. You are to make decisions based on what you see and what God sees.
  13. It is not enough to pray against accidents, you must also drive carefully.
  14. It is not to pray against injury; you must also avoid risk.
  15. It is not enough to pray against burglars, you must also protect yourself and be security conscious.


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