Do not forget God

Do not forget God

 By Babatope Babalobi +234 80 35 897435

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Deuteronomy 8 vs 11

  1. The message the spirit of God has for you today is that as you travel abroad, assume a new job, and witness promotion; you should not forget God.
  2. You are celebrating a breakthrough today, but as you start to enjoy the breakthrough, do not forget God, that gives you the power to breakthrough.
  3. This was the warning God gave the Israelites after He delivered them from the land of bondage, and they were on their way in the wilderness to the promised land.
  4. Do not forget God when you become prosperous; you do not need to pray before you can feed yourself.
  5. Do not forget God when you have built a house, and you do not need to fast and pray before you can pay your house rent.
  6. Do not forget God when you become comfortable and do not need to borrow money before you can pay your bills.
  7. As you enter the promised land, I am not here to tell you it will be well with you alone. I am also here to warn you that several battles await you even as you plan to enter the promised land. I pray that the God that has brought you to the promised land will give you the power to overcome in Jesus’ name.
  8. The first battle you will encounter in the promised land is over your salvation. You enter a land flowing with milk and honey, where you will not fast and pray before you can eat. So, there is a tendency for you to believe that there is no God because you may not even need to cry to God before good things happen.
  9. Studies have shown that people cry to God mainly because of their hardship, and I pray that when you become comfortable, you will not backslide and believe God does not exist in Jesus’ name. Deuteronomy 8:11 Be careful not to forget the LORD your God by failing to  keep His commandments and ordinances and statutes, which I am giving you  this day.
  10. The next battle is the battle over your health. You are entering the land where the more you work, the more you get money. So, there is a tendency for you to overwork yourself, which can damage your health because the land is full of milk and honey. You will want to chase the milk and honey to the detriment of your human capacity. You need to watch your health so that you will be in sound health to enjoy the milk and honey you acquire.
  11. Another battle you will face in the promised land is over your children and family. The promised land is a land of prosperity where people do not need to cry to God to solve their basic needs. Watch out so that government does not take the position of God in your life. The government of the land may give you the freedom to choose your lifestyle. Do not forget God, and avoid a lifestyle that is not in tune with the laws of God.
  12. The promised land may become like the land of Sodom and Gomorrah, where having sex is like eating a meat pie, and because children are free to behave the way they want, they can be unruly, wayward and vagabond. As you celebrate your victory in the promised land, pray that you will not lament over your children.
  13. The next battle you will face in the promised land is the battle of choice amid surplus and excess. Because surplus milk and honey are flowing in the land, there is a tendency for you to consume excess milk and honey, which will affect your heart, kidney, liver, etc.
  14. In the promised land, you must learn to be contented, self-controlled, and self-disciplined; otherwise, you may lose your salvation, health and life in pursuing material assets.
  15. The next battle you will face in the promised land is over money. In the promised land, money is king. The Dollar, pound or Euro is the god. You must be vigilant so the currency does not become your God in the promised land.
  16. The last battle you will face in the promised land is over your marriage. God arranged marriage because the husband is the leader while the wife is the assistant. The husband is to love the wife and take responsibility, and the wife is to submit to a loving husband. If this divine arrangement for marital partnership is not respected, the marriage will not work. So, if the husband stops becoming loving, the wife will not be submissive. If the wife also thinks she no longer needs her husband to succeed and refuses to be submissive, the marriage will not work because of her access to various opportunities in the promised land.
  17. In many developing countries, the constitution gives more power to the wife in the marital relationship. If the wife allows this to get into her head and believes she can overrule her husband, the marriage will not work because men will continue to be men.
  18. No man will be ready to play second fiddle in marriage. In many developed countries, there is a high separation and divorce rate because both parties do not respect the divine arrangement for marital relationships.
  19. As you are going to the promised land as husband and wife, I pray that the battle of the promised land will not scatter your marriage, children, health, salvation, family, and the organs in your body in Jesus’ name.
  20. I am concluding this message by inviting you to enter the covenant of salt. Ezekiel 16:4, 2Sam 7:11, Numbers 18:19.
  21. A covenant of salt is a covenant of perpetual relationship with God. You are saying that as you take us into the promised land, we will not forget you on our part, and on your part, help us overcome the battles waiting for us in the promised land.
  22. All you need to do to activate the covenant of salt is to put a pinch of salt inside a cup of water, pray over it, say the word of the covenant over it, and drink the water.
  23. I pray that the God of the covenant will help you overcome every battle in the promised land in Jesus’ name.


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