Why do we say AMEN? What does AMEN mean?

Facts About Amen


By Babatope Babalobi babalobi@yahoo.com +2348035897435

  1. As you say AMEN, you are saying Yes
  2. As you say AMEN, you are saying -I agree.
  3. As you say AMEN, you are saying- Truly this will happen to me
  4. As you say AMEN, you are saying- So be it to me.
  5. As you say AMEN, you are saying- It will truly happen
  6. One of God’s names is”The Amen, the Faithful and True Witness” (Revelation 3:14)
  7. One of the names of Jesus is “The Amen, the Faithful and True Witness”(Revelation 3:14).
  8. “For as many as may be the promises of God, in him they are ‘yes’ and in him ‘Amen’ ”(2Corinthians 1:20)
  9. The word AMEN  is found in the last verses of the Bible (Revelation 22:20-21).
  10. The first three books of Psalms end with Amen (Psalms 41:13, Psalms 72:19,Psalms 89:52).
  11. Most books of the New Testament end with it the word AMEN (KJV).
  12. In the land of Israel, when a prayer or prophecy was made, or a law of God was read, “All the people said, “Amen”” (Nehemiah 5:13, 8:6). Today we are going to pray and all what the Holy Spirit wants you to say Is AMEN
  13. The Lord’s  prayer ends with “Amen” (Matthew 6:13).
  14. Paul uses the word AMEN seven times in his letter to the Romans. (Romans 1:25, Romans 9:5, Romans 11:36, Romans 15:33,Romans 16:20,24,27)
  15. The Hebrew word used for amen in the Old Testament is “ei men” and means “so be it, verily, true,” or “truly” (literally “truth”)
  16. The Greek word for amen is “ἀμήν” which is very similar to what it means in Hebrew and that is “so it is” or “truly” and even “true” and “yes” depending upon what the sentence structure is.
  17. The word amen has roots in the Semitic word “truth” so even today when amen is spoken, it is like saying “yes, true,” or “that is true, meaning personal agreement


Source: http://www.simplybible.com/f484.htm

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