The Lord will deliver you

The Lord will deliver you

By Babatope Babalobi +234 80 35 897435

Save the World Christian ministry App:


Psalm 34 vs 19

Many are the afflictions of the righteous, But the Lord delivers him out of them all.

The Living... — Psalm 34:19 (NKJV) - Many are the afflictions of...

  1. The righteous should expect some afflictions, and the Bible indicates the number of afflictions by saying there would be many.
  2. Afflictions of the righteous, in this sense, are not tragedies, calamities, or sorrows.
  3. Afflictions, in this sense, are perceptions you face for sticking to righteousness.
  4. It is an affliction when you are victimized for doing the right thing.
  5. It is an affliction when you are denied rights for sticking to the rules.
  6. It is an affliction when you lose an opportunity not to compromise your Christian virtues.
  7. The good news is that the persecution you face for being righteous will work out in your favour.
  8. God will not only deliver you from them all but honour and promote you.
  9. Your afflictions for sticking to righteousness are a test of your faith; once you pass it, joy awaits you.
  10. Receive divine strength and wisdom to overcome every affliction in Jesus’ name.
  11. Receive divine patience to enter the promised land after your wilderness experiences in Jesus’ name.
  12. My night sorrows experience and My morning only manifest in Jesus’ name. Amen



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